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Coimbatore Airport runway to be extended by 800 m: Initial work begins

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Coimbatore; The number of passengers travelling to various places by air from Coimbatore continues to increase. The number of domestic and international passengers at the Coimbatore International Airport in the western region is continuing to increase. There is a constant emphasis on the need to implement the airport expansion plan quickly to increase foreign flight services.

The state government has acquired the land required for the airport expansion and handed it over to the Airport Authority. Following this, it is said that the Pillaiyar Swazhi for the airport expansion work has been laid. As part of this, it is planned to increase the airport runway by 800 m. The initial work for this has begun.

An airport official said, “It is important to increase the number of passengers to start direct flight services from Coimbatore to foreign countries. For this, planes carrying a large number of passengers need to be operated.

For this, the runway needs to be extended. Currently, the runway is 2,990 meters long. “It is planned to increase its length by 3,800 m. The initial work for this has begun. This will also happen along with the airport expansion work,” he said.

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