The National Doctors’ Day in India is being observed on July 1. This is to remember Dr.B.C.Roy who was born on July 1, 1882 and left for heavenly abode on July 1, 1962 after 80 years. It highlights the noble role of a doctor who lived a total life dedicating himself to the society. This world needs over all unselfishness for the sustenance of nature and mankind.
A doctor should be proud to a doctor -Dr. G.Bakthavathsalam
Expressing his ideas on National Doctors’ Day to The Kovai Herald, Dr. G.Bakthavathsalam, Chairman of KG Hospitals said, “Becoming a doctor is surely God’s calling. God only decides who should become a doctor apart from the liking of the person to become a doctor.
Who is a Good Doctor is a million-dollar question. All doctors with MBBS Degree cannot be called a doctor. One who has an attitude of serving people with a degree could only be called a doctor. A doctor should have an aptitude to sympathise with the people who suffer. In those days only dedicated sous became doctors and nurses but the medical field has become a business lately.
A doctor should have 7 A’s, Ability, Availability, Affability, Accountability, Adaptability, Academicism and an Attitude of Gratitude. A doctor should be able to diagnose the illness when he meets the patient. He should be available at least 16 hours a day for at least 350 days a year. A doctor should be good natured and accountable for the patients. He should adapt to all situations and places and he should not stop studying or learning all through his life. Finally, a doctor should be thankful to be in this profession.
A doctor should first think to reduce the pain and sufferings of the patient. As per Medical council, a doctor should first give first aid when he meets a patient. Nowadays the patients are treated like customers of a business. Even so, As Mahatma Gandhi once said, Customer is the important person in the shop, the doctors should think only the patient’s welfare first. A doctor should be proud to a doctor and he should look like a doctor by looks.” he said.
Speaking about his expectations in the medical field he said, “Artificial Intelligence would be very good for the medical field in future as it would be pinpoint in the diagnosis of the disease. Though there are robotic machines for the treatment it is the diagnosis that comes first. So, I would say that once AI involves in the medical field it would be a great support for the doctors”. Furthermore, he said that if there was a rebirth he would wish to be born a doctor only.
Patients’ Safety should be the primary concern of a doctor-Dr.K.Madeswaran
As the nation celebrates Doctor’s Day, The Kovai Herald throws light on the importance of doctors by celebrating some special doctors in Coimbatore.
Sharing his views on doctors and hospitals, Dr.K.Madeswaran, Chairman & Managing Director of Royal Care Super Specialty Hospital said, “Patients’ Safety should be the primary concern of a doctor. Every doctor or medical professional in every hospital wants the patients to get cured of the disease. As far as Royal Care Super Speciality Hospital is concerned, we think of patients’ safety first and how we can safeguard the life of the patients. We don’t compromise on patient safety & we try to improve it in every sphere of medical care. As the Whole Indian Financial Media Circle believes that India is going to be a big Medical Tourism hub, we have to keep on improving. If we continuously improve in every activity inside the hospital, then only the output will be good. Every medical professional should come to know why it is followed and how it is done and once we do that we improve the standard of care on par with any other nation.
The role of doctors and nurses are vital for a patient. The patient considers the doctors as saviours sent by God. It is the duty of the doctor to keep up the thought in the patient’s mind. Moreover, the relatives of the patient consider the doctors and nurses as Gods. The doctors should have empathy towards the patient, feel for the patient and serve the patient . The doctor should consider the life of the patient as his own and treat the patient.
Our hospital operates on main principles of utmost care for patient utilizing the modern and quality medical services without any medical errors, with the aim of providing treatments and regaining the lives of the affected people who seek us for treatment. There is a myth in the society that the medical care is expensive but its not so, it is due to the cost incurred in the procedure due to utilisation of High end Medical equip
ment. Every doctors Should consider the patients as their family and should dedicate themselves to the recuperation of the patient.”
Healing Hands, Caring Hearts – Dr.T.Ravikumar
Sharing his special message to The Kovai Herald, Dr.T.Ravikumar, Medical Superintendent, GMC & ESI Hospital, Coimbatore said, “When a patient fully entrust himself to a doctor, they treat them with caring hearts and healing hands.
Once upon a time there where many family doctors. A family physician is well aware of the patient’s family and the diseases congenital are acquired present in that family he knows what are the drugs allergic to the patients, food habits of the patients, family background of the patients. When a patient is seriously ill and He decides when and where to refer and admit. Every family member considers him as guide and friend. In any function family doctor will be given first invitation with respect.
Currently, if anybody have a headache, they directly search through Google and the internet, search for diagnosis and treatment take an MRI, CT scan themselves and then consult a neurologist. He will finally tell you have nothing (in your brain). If there is any other problem, they recommended to see another doctor.
No specialist doctor sees the patient as a human being. They compartmentalise in their speciality and like the blind men saw the elephant, they are focusing only on their specialized medical field. They prescribe 20 pills per ailment (one for each symptom) But a well-qualified caring doctor spends his time with the patient and thoroughly examines him, diagnose and prescribe only one tablet for 20 ailments.
When you don’t trust the doctor and getting half baked ideas from social medias and suspecting every doctor and threatening with consumer cases and assaulting the doctors for no fault of him. How can we expect caring hearts and healing hands. Hence trusting the doctor is the first key for caring heart and healing hands.
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