Tag: #madeshwaran

  • Onam Celebrated in a Traditional way at Royal Care Institute of Nursing

    Onam Festival was celebrated at the RoyalCare Institute of Nursing premises, Neelambur, Coimbatore. The event was inaugurated by Dr. K. Madeswaran, Chairman and Managing Director of Royal Care Super Speciality Hospital. Dr. Keerthana, Correspondent, Royalcare Institute of Nursing extended her heartfelt Onam greetings to the students and actively participated in the festivities. This event was…

  • Celebrating the life saviours

    K.ABIRAMI The National Doctors’ Day in India is being observed on July 1. This is to remember Dr.B.C.Roy who was born on July 1, 1882 and left for heavenly abode on July 1, 1962 after 80 years. It highlights the noble role of a doctor who lived a total life dedicating himself to the society.…