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Gem Hospital launches South India’s first Comprehensive Endometriosis Centre in Coimbatore

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Gem Hospital launches South India’s first Comprehensive Endometriosis Centre in Coimbatore

South India’s first comprehensive Endometriosis Centre was launched on Monday at GEM Hospital, Coimbatore.Endometriosis is a disease affecting women, in which tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus. It can cause severe pain in the pelvisband make it harder to get pregnant.This clinic will offer a multidisciplinary approach to diagnose and treatment, combining the expertise of gynecologists, surgical gastroenterologist, urologist, anaesthetists, pain specialists, nutritionists and psychological support. Patients will benefit from personalized care plans and advanced diagnostic tools.Sweta Suman, Additional Collector, District Rural Development Agency, Coimbatore and Bharathi Harishankar, VC, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women launched this centre in the presence of Dr.C.Palanivelu, Chairman; Dr.P.Praveen Raj, CEO; Dr.Kavitha Yogini, Head, Endogynecology Department, Gem Hospital.

A book titled ‘All About Endometriosis’ by Gem Hospital was also launched by Bharathi Harishankar. Speaking at the event, Dr.Palanivelu said that Endometriosis is one such gynec disease that poses a big challenge. It is very complicated in many aspects; it is so complex that even cancer surgery will appear to be easier than doing a surgery for endometriosis.Dr.Kavitha Yogini said that while this disease starts at uterus, it affets neighbouring vital structures like rectum and urinary bladder. Hence when treatment via medicines don’t work, surgery will be needed and it should be done in a very careful manner. Hence a comprehensive team is needed to treat patients and give additional support post surgery.
Dr.Palanivelu added that this new clinic has all the advanced technologies, well experienced teams to provide such holistic care to patients. He also added that this will become a center of excellence for endometriosis, and it will also assist gynecologists to gain valuable info about this disease and its treatment.

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