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Plantation of trees in flyovers

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Coimbatore; Corporation Commissioner Sivaguru Prabhakaran has instructed to improve the road islands and flyovers under the flyovers in the Coimbatore Corporation area and plant trees. In the Coimbatore Corporation area, road islands were improved at 11 places including Sungam Roundabout, Racecourse, Brookfields Road, Nanjappa Road Roundabout, and North Coimbatore Flyover by private means. Since these are located in a way that attracts the public, the Corporation has decided to improve road islands at 15 more places. As part of this, the Corporation administration is undertaking the work of constructing a ’roundabout’ in the Chintamani area of ​​North Coimbatore, as per the map provided by the Highways Department. Similarly, Commissioner Sivaguru Prabhakaran has instructed the Corporation engineers to increase the green area by planting plants on the central embankments under the Trichy Road Flyover and Gandhipuram Flyover. Accordingly, the construction waste dumped on the central embankments on Trichy Road is being removed. Then, red soil will be poured, grill bars will be erected around it, and the work of planting and growing plants will begin.

In this regard, Corporation Commissioner Sivaguru Prabhakaran said, ”We are going to grow plants in all the central embankments and increase the green area. Plants will be planted and beautified at the lower part of the flyovers. The Corporation itself is going to undertake this work; we will accept even if private companies come,” he said.